Mid Norfolk Group of Riding for the Disabled

It's what you CAN do that counts

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We are a relatively small Group and dependent on the volunteers who give their time regularly each week to help at our riding sessions. The aim is to make our rides as safe, beneficial and enjoyable as possible and there are a number of ways volunteers can help. You do not need to have riding experience; training and support are always provided.


Leading and sidewalking


Be part of the team working with the pony and rider during the riding sessions as a side walker or leader.


Our riders are of mixed ages and have a variety of physical and learning disabilities. Some are working towards riding independently in the arena and may only need the assistance of a leader; others need a higher level of support with a leader and two side walkers.


Help ‘behind the scenes’


On the day


With the half hour riding sessions taking place in quick succession there is always plenty to do behind the scenes.


For example:

  • liaising with the parents or carers who bring the riders on the day
  • finding the correct riding hats
  • taking some of our more enthusiastic riders through the tack and grooming kit
  • and helping with the tea and biscuits


At other times


Additonal help with our fundraising events is always appreciated.


We welcome students who would like to do their Duke of Edinburgh voluntary service with us.


A volunteer application form can be downloaded here:


Volunteer Application Form


2024 Timetable